BDDG Annual Convention – 2024

‘From Darkness into the Light!’

Thursday, 10 October – Sunday, 13 October 2024

Denham Grove Hotel, Tilehouse Lane, Denham,

Uxbridge UB9 5DG, UK

Extendable to Monday, 14 October 2024, for delegates to enjoy social activities in the local area e.g. fishing, theatre, golf, etc..


Programme and Full Details will be posted on this website!


Booking & Registration Forms

Early Booking Discount Available to 27 July 2024

   BDDG Annual Convention – 2024 : Convention Online Booking form-fillable

    BDDG Annual Convention – 2024 : Day Delegate Online Booking Form-fillable

Bursaries are available!


We hope to have speakers talking about:

The challenges to our our emotions in our professions …. shame, guilt, burn-out?

Childhood trauma …. the genesis of our addiction?

Trans-generational vulnerability to addiction?

BDDG Family Members sharing about effects of addictions in their families!

Experiences of Nacoa members growing up in an addicted family.

Personal shares from BDDG members related to recovery ….

12 Steps, SMART recovery and effects of family & childhood trauma!

Discussions re our understanding of addictions and recovery,


Lindsey Chadwick presenting again from the Hazelden Betty Ford Clinic in Colorado, USA!


Bursaries, to help with attendance costs, will be available to members of BDDG and BDDG Families Group!

Put the dates in your diary so you don’t forget to book! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

There is so much we can learn from each other!

It could change the direction of your life!

A Convention not to be missed!
