BDDG Annual Convention – 2024

Thursday, 10 October – Sunday, 13 October 2024

Denham Grove Hotel, Tilehouse Lane, Denham,

Uxbridge, Bucks., UB9 5DG, UK

Extendable to Monday, 14 October 2024 for delegates to enjoy social activities in the local area e.g. fishing, theatre, golf, etc..

Programme and Full Details will be posted on this website!

Booking & Registration Forms now available at

Put the dates in your diary so you don’t forget to book! …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

‘Burn-Out’ in Dentistry …. applies equally in Medicine!

Look for the similarities …. not the differences!


The ‘Write-Up’ from the BDDG Covention Convenor, Charlie H., following the very successful BDDG Annual Convention – 2023 in Holmes Chapel, is available here!

BDDG Annual Convention – 2023: ‘Write-Up’


A number of BDDG Groups are now running face-to-face meetings while other Groups continue with Online Video Meetings.

Contact your local BDDG Secretary for details of local arrangements, check the Members Only Section for details of online meetings  or  email the BDDG National Secretary on for details.

For information about the BDDG Family Members Group, email


Recordings from Conventions and presentations from the Academic Days are available in the Members’ Only Section!

General Information about the British Doctors & Dentists Group is on the ‘About Page’ on this website!